We recently discussed the uncomfortable situation of Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, the non-profit health system/ academic medical center of Wake Forest School of Medicine. The organization suffered acute monetary losses after a problem plagued roll out of its new electronic health record. Presiding over this mess were some extremely well paid executives who had been hailed as "visionaries" by their own public relations people. (Look here and here.)
An Even Bigger Financial Loss
The resourceful Richard Craver, writing in the Winston-Salem Journal, just documented that the financial losses due to this cybernetic chaos now seem even bigger,
The center said Monday in a report submitted to bond agencies that it had a $62.8 million operational loss and an overall loss of $3.2 million in the third quarter of fiscal year 2012-13, which ended March 31.A Call to Non-Existent Investors
Stock investment gains of $54.6 million helped offset much of the operational revenue loss.
Still, the operational loss was $13.2 million higher than the $49.6 million it reported Dec. 31. At that time, the center reported $7.4 million in overall excess revenue because of investment gains.
That, however, was not the big news. Mr Craver further noted,
Wake Forest Baptist chief executive Dr. John McConnell and chief financial officer Edward Chadwick held an investors call on Monday to discuss the financial performance. It is the third such presentation of the fiscal year, according to the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board’s www.emma.msrb.org website.
Mr Craver noted that there was something distinctly odd about this.
The investor call represents a potential blurring of the lines between how not-for-profit hospitals and corporations operate, which also includes executive compensation as a hot-button topic.
Analysts said the call is comparable to an earnings warning that corporations provide when they try to soften the negative reaction from a poorer-than-projected financial performance.
Wake Forest Baptist did not comment when asked how long has it made investor calls and who receives notifications of the presentations. According to emma.org, the center did not have investor calls listed prior to the first quarter of the current fiscal year.
A search of Wake Forest Baptist’s public website did not find any references to investor calls or quarterly and annual financial reports. Spokesman Chad Campbell said the quarterly financial calls are in the public domain.
While US publicly traded for-profit companies usually do schedule quarterly conference calls with investors to inform them about recent developments, Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center is clearly not a publicly held for-profit company. It is a non-profit organization. Non-profit organizations do not have investors or shareholders,
For-profit corporations also may do periodic calls with bondholders. Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center does have bondholders. But the posted notice for the call discussed above clearly refers to an "investor call," not a bondholders call. One can now listen to the call (+1 855 859 2056, conference ID 90279604), and when I did, I heard the call was introduced by the operator, and by the Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center CFO as an "investor call."
A Financialized Mindset?
So what in the world is going on here? So why would its CEO and CFO make a quarterly call to "investors?" The idea is absurd on its face.
Mr Craver was able to find one person to comment, who seemed to assume that the calls were truly "investor calls," not mislabeled calls to bondholders:
Ken Berger, president and chief executive of Charity Navigator, said a not-for-profit hospital holding an investors call 'is the antithesis of why a nonprofit exists.'My guess is that Mr Berger got it right. It may be that the top executives of Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center have the mindsets of executives of a big for-profit corporation in an era of financialization.
'Nonprofits are not supposed to be trying to maximize shareholder value, but maximize their benefit to the communities they serve,' Berger said. 'Transparency is great, whether corporation or nonprofit, for shedding light on financial performance.'
'In this instance, the investor call doesn’t represent full transparency, but only represents more morphing of a not-for-profit into a for-profit organization where only a select few investors are chosen to have access to pertinent current information.'
In the New York Times Economix blog, Bruce Bartlett, an economist who has served in the administration of two Republican Presidents, Ronald Reagan and George HW Bush, and has worked for two Republican legislators, Jack Kemp and Ron Paul, cited financialization as the big largely anechoic reason for the global economic malaise. He wrote,
According to research by the economists Jon Bakija, Adam Cole and Bradley T. Heim, financialization is a principal driver of the rising share of income going to the ultrawealthy – the top 0.1 percent of the income distribution.
Research by the University of Michigan sociologist Greta R. Krippner supports this position. She notes that financialization exacerbates the well-known problem of corporate ownership and control: while corporate assets are owned by shareholders, they are controlled by managers who often extract an excessive share of corporate profits for themselves.
As we have discussed, for a generation business schools have taught managers that there primary goal is to maximize shareholder value, which has been interpreted to mean short-term financial performance. Large corporations now give top managers tremendous incentives to maximize such performance, such that top managers have become rich, often the richest members of society. Many top managers of health care organizations now come from a business background, and health care managers, even of non-profit organizations, also get large incentives.
Note also that the two executives on the "investor call" both had outsize compensation in 2011, the latest year for which the non-profit Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center has released the disclosure form (990 form) required by the US government. The CEO, Dr McConnell, received over $2 million, while the CFO, Mr Chadwick, received just short of $1 million. (Look here.) So it looks like they have a good reason to continue to operate a financialized organization so they can keep extracting sufficient revenue to make themselves rich.
Clearly, though, if we want our health care organizations to preserve and protect patients' and the public health, we need them to be lead by leaders who care much more about health care than about short-term revenue and making themselves rich.
As we have said endlessly, true health care reform would put in place leadership that understands the health care context, upholds health care professionals' values, and puts patients' and the public's health ahead of extraneous, particularly short-term financial concerns. We need health care governance that holds health care leaders accountable, and ensures their transparency, integrity and honesty.
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